KatHouse Productions

Some of the videos I have produced

Music Video
Witness Protection Program

A Greer (1995)
New Today
Computer Animation

Raquel (1993)
When the Lightning Strikes

Aaron Greer 2005
Prior to Aaron Greer Band
Open the Eyes
Trading my Sorrows

Sample from Double disc DVD / CD project
produced for The WPP. >
Rise Again

Promo Video

Deuce Promo2 HIGH Quality (8.1 MB)
(300 kbs-Cable Modem, DSL or 56k download.)
Deuce Promo2 LOW Bandwidth
(893 KB !!!) (33 kbs-For 56k and lower!)
Industrial Video

Dish Removal
Time Lapse


Copyright 2002 - 2017 KatHouse Productions